I'm on a train to new brunswick, nj. For the past near hour I've been
staring at this poster. It has a picture of a lady, pointing angrily
at a hispanic boy, about 8 years old. He is making that face-the one
where you are trying to look extra sad and pathetic, but also are
trying not to laugh because, secretly, whatever you did to get
yourself in trouble is still fucking hilarious.
Anyway, across the top it reads, "maybe he CAN'T 'just stop
it'...maybe it's a neurological disorder." At the bottom, in larger
letters, it says, "maybe...it's TOURETTE'S."

(thanks u to schefterblogz #1 bffs <3 <3 <3 brian and wankette for these images, which will be used 400x on this internets website for the future)
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