Girls in general are shallow. I hate almost all girls. I'd probably have a great job right now (not bored out my wits visiting wizardishungry every other hour) if I hadn't been practically in tears with my mom telling her I WOULD NOT go to college. Not that she even prompted me to look at college applications and scholarships. I don't blame her, though. I blame the bitches and assholes who teased me from second grade through twelfth grade, making my life a living hell because I was younger than them (started K at age 4), I made good grades without even trying, and I couldn't afford brand name clothes.

We need an apocalypse so the human race can start over (again). Hopefully this time jealous rulers and secretive scholars won't hide the records of our civilization so that future generations can learn from our mistakes. So, as the Tool song says, I'm praying...except I'm praying for something a bit more catastrophic. Anyone heard of the slumbering volcano under Yellowstone Park? The lake has actually MOVED because of the building pressure. There are trees underwater now that were far from the lake's edge in the early 1900s. It's due to erupt anytime now, and the last time it did the ash suffocated animals as far away as Kentucky (I love the Science Channel). I won't regret leaving this world - I look forward to being born again under simpler conditions. The struggle for survival builds character, which is something almost no one I know possesses. Since I live on the other side of the Appalachians, in this wonderful deciduous forest environment (OK, so the bugs suck, but otherwise it's all good), there's a good chance we can start anew during my generation.

2012, according to the Mayans. We'll see. I can only hope the rest of the world also suffers from catastrophe. We have to start over...I learned yesterday that there's a strong possibility that the AIDS virus got its start through the polio vaccine. It's a conspiracy theory, to be sure, but highly believable. Just another example of our government doing us more harm than good.

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