1. A proclivity for using the word “classy” frequently
2. Racoon streaks
3. Wearing shirts with statements on them, like “Hotter than your girlfriend”, “sassy”, “sex magnet”, etc
4. Flipping out on anyone who calls you a bitch
5. Boost mobile subscriber
6. Referring to your boyfriend as “your man”
7. Fake shiny jewelry
8. Identifying with Fergie

9. Lip Gloss
10. Wedge shoes with high heels
11. Jorts
12. White beach sandals
13. Streak-colored hair
14. Opossum Pie
15. Making dance videos and submitting them to YOUTUBE
16. Outta control piercings (lip/eyebrow/10 in one ear)
17. Tats (especially the infamous tramp stamp)
18. Carrying cigarettes in the same hand as a lit one.

19. Droppin the F-bomb every other word
20. Making out with other women in clubs
21. fake and bake on a consistent basis
22. Ridiculous amount of make-up
23. Those little Coach logo purses
24. French manicured Acrylic nails
25. Everything in her closet is from Forever 21
26. Letting her bra and/or panties show (i.e. wearing pants that expose her thong)
27. Little charms attached to cell phone
28. Rihanna ringtones
29. Overdone black eyeliner
30. Imitating Paris Hilton

31. Track suits with Juicy on the ass
32. Toy dogs in carriers
33. Referring to their bf as “beau”
34. Chewing gum like a cow
35. Running and screaming when their BFF enters the room yet 2 seconds earlier talking about them behind their back
36. Considering the Olive Garden as fine dining
37. Reading US Weekly or another supermarket rag religiously
38. Posting cute Myspace comments on his page (x2 if they are premade graphics with lines like “just droppin’ in to say hi”)
39. Wearing a track suit on a plane
40. Vacationing in Florida

1 comment:
I prefer "ass antlers" to "tramp stamp"
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