Who will love a woman who wants to resign her femininity, and who have absolutely no interest in appearing attractive to anyone? Who purposely re-designs their apperance to accomodate their own sense of convenience?
First it’s chopping off your hair and getting a low-maintenance boy’s haircut. Then you will stop wearing makeup and jewelry. Then it’s time to buy those absolutely disgusting jeans with the elastic band on them, and not shave your legs. The only remaining pleasure you’ll be willing to indulge in is food, so your waistline will expand over the years.
Cutting your hair short is the first of many steps to looking like a middle-aged lesbian. Nobody wants to fuck old mean mommy.

thats one of the the most stupid things I ever read, if anything a woman cutting her hair is more adventurous and inclined to experiment with make up and different looks, long (boring) hair is easier as you don't need to get it cut as often whereas a trendy short cut is much more exciting and versatile.
YOU'RE stupid!!
I agree with anonymous. that was a very stupid text.
how in your mind does short hair and gluttony coincide? your pretty much insane. Besides did you ever wonder how mean mommy got that way? ask her patriarchal egotistical husband who wanted to control every aspect of her life.
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